From Trials to Triumph

Happy Spring 2013!!!

Trials and Triumphs | Grassroots Consulting, Inc.

In life there are so many things that just do not seem to go right or do not work out as planned. Life trials never schedule an appointment or give you notice. However, depending on the manner in which respond determines if the trial will lead you to triumph.

Trials in the context of this message relates to difficult times, disappointments, betrayal, obstacles, unwanted circumstances, hardships, tribulation, misery, and the list could continue for the next several pages. All of these matters if handled in the next four points given can result in glorious victories, positive accomplishments, meaningful successes, outstanding achievements, and a prevailing future.

This is a framework in which you can begin to operate.

  1. Never let your struggles become your boss. Life circumstances will leave you feeling like a slave to the situation. You have to know as long as there is life; there is hope.
  2. Always seize the opportunity to learn from the situation. Even in heartache, you can have peace, even in the saddest of times you can find comfort, even in disappointments there is generally a better outcome.
  3. Sometimes change is good. Sometimes we can allow ourselves to become complacent to toxic environments. The environment can be a relationship, place of employment, family life, or a social setting. If it does not breed life or progress you really should consider making a change.
  4. Make sure you formulate an exit strategy. Trials are not forever. Every problem has an expiration date. Your exit strategy should include:
    a. What are you leaving in behind?
    b. What are you taking with you?
    c. What will you do differently?
    d. How will you share your experience?
    e. What new area of your life will blossom because of your experience?

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